To shift capital and improve the material conditions of Black communities.

The REAL addresses racism + capitalism as the root cause of disparities in access, opportunity, and prosperity in our society. Now is the time to take bold action to change how decisions are made about capital and create an economy that works for all. By challenging and disrupting the policies, practices and cultural representations upholding and perpetuating these systems we bring justice to capital and promote shared prosperity for all.
the problem
of $82.24 trillion U.S.-based assets under management is managed by diverse-owned firms.
of VC partners are Black women, and just another 0.2% are Latina.
advisory services
We provide actionable interventions that integrate a racial equity lens in investment decision-making.
We raise awareness, build tools & frameworks, shift capital, and develop opportunities for an economy that works for all.
The REAL: Racial Equity Assessment FrameworkSM
We use our framework to evaluate organizational and investment process under 9 features and across a 4-stage continuum from color-blind to equity-focused (color-blind → diversity-only → race-tentative → equity-focused)
to set a baseline for activities and guide planning and implementation to advance racial equity.
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